Welcome to Crown and Company!! We are a faith base brand focused around, sharing the gospel with others. If you’re anything like us, you love sharing the good news of Jesus Christ on your clothes. It makes it easier to share the gospel with others, spark conversation, give someone an encouraging word, and even if you don’t get to talk to them, it may leave them with a little inclination of hope. It can bridge a gap between not knowing what to say, but wanting to say something about your faith with others around you when you have the help of whatever clothing is on your back.

At Crown and Company, we believe in the power of the gospel—not just spoken, but seen and lived out. Our mission is simple: to spread the good news of Jesus Christ by wearing the message of His love, grace, and salvation. Every design is crafted with purpose. Every message is inspired by the truth of God’s Word. From bold declarations of faith to subtle reminders of His promises, we aim to spark conversations and plant seeds of hope.

Crown and Company is more than a clothing brand. We are a community of believers united in our desire to glorify God and make His name known. With every piece you wear, you join us in carrying the message of the gospel into the world. Join us in sharing His love and crowning every moment with His glory. We’re not after your wallets which is why you’re not going to find outrageously priced clothing with our branded name on it. We’re after your heart and so is God.

For anyone who stumbled across this website that is not a believer, The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news that God loves us and sent His Son, Jesus, to save us. Jesus, fully God and fully man, lived a perfect life, died on the cross to pay for our sins, and rose again three days later, defeating sin and death. Through faith in Him, we are forgiven, made new, and given the gift of eternal life. This is a gift of grace, not something we earn, but a reflection of God’s incredible love for all who believe in Him.